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Lighthouse Solicitors 
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Recent Successes

By Lighthouse Solicitors February 10, 2021
An application submitted on 30 January 2021 for settlement (indefinite leave to remain) under the EU Settlement Scheme for an EU national was granted on 10 February 2021. The client has been resident in the UK for 18 years. 
By Lighthouse Solicitors October 13, 2019
A client who together with her children instructed us after they had been issued with notices that they would be removed from the UK was assisted with an application for leave to remain on family life grounds. The client was granted leave to remain and we were able to show that both children were actually entitled to British citizenship.
By Lighthouse Solicitors December 30, 2018
The client was naturalised as a British citizen following a successful reconsideration application. He had previously been refused on good character grounds but we made written representations that the law had been wrongly applied. The Home Office accepted the reconsideration and he was naturalised as a British citizen.
By admin December 7, 2018

Grant of Indefinite leave to remain on the basis of long residence – Super Priority Service

By . December 7, 2018

Leave to remain granted on family life grounds to client who had previously been removed from the UK and previously refused entry clearance.


By admin December 4, 2018
Client naturalised as a British citizen – previously assisted with discretionary leave and settlement applications for same client.
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